The Benefits Of A Healthy,Well Balanced & Nutritious Dog Food Diet - Dog , Dog Training

The Benefits Of A Healthy,Well Balanced & Nutritious Dog Food Diet

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The Benefits Of A Healthy,
Well Balanced & Nutritious Dog Food Diet

A wholesome well balanced dog food diet promotes: Healthy skin and coat, strong well developed bones, bright clear eyes, firmer stools (and less of them), well defined muscle tone, quality of life and longevity, healthy teeth and gums, fewer trips to your Vet, no bad odor, fewer digestive problems, energy, vitality, fewer behavior problems and over-all health.

How Does A Poor Diet Affect Your Dog?

A poor diet leads to an increase in: Cancers, weakened immune system, liver failure, sluggish behavior or hyperactive, putrid gas, diarrea, dull coat and heavy shedding, epilepsy, vomiting, ear infections, compromised heart and kidneys, stunted growth and weakened bones, bad breath, bowel disease, diabetes, cystitis, cataracts, hypertension, build up in the eyes, arthritis, countless allergies and who knows what else...

What Are The Choices - What Should We Feed Our Dogs?

In my search to find the best dog food available I have narrowed our options down to three broad groups. I've listed them here with a brief explanation and expand on all three further down this page.

1. Commercial Dog Food: This includes the packaged foods you find at your local supermarket, pet store or veterinarian. Commercial dog food is available in dry, semi dry and wet (canned). All the big names that we know so well are represented in this group, such as Diamond dog food, Pedigree, Iams and Science Diet. Is the best dog food located in this group? Not likely.

2. Raw Dog Food: This is the group growing in popularity. It includes the raw dog food and bones you prepare yourself or pre-packaged diets like BARF and Steve's Real Food 100% natural dog food diet.

3. Homemade Dog Food: Anything you put together yourself at home. Is following good dog food recipes the best choice for our dogs?

best dog foods

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